Experimental Mosaics: Exploring the Ephemeral

A very hands-on kick in the ass that will get your creative juices flowing in ways you might not have imagined. This is going to be a great class.

This three-day workshop is at the intersection of creative expression and all out experimentation.

In this unique workshop, we will break out of traditional rules and structure to explore mosaic-making that is way “outside the box”, moving away from techniques and processes used for permanent and architectural projects.

This workshop includes elements of urban mosaics (graffiti/ street art, mosaic “bombs”, art abandonment), land art and ephemeral mosaics using uncommon materials and experimental processes.

We will work with clay, glass, debris, building materials, found objects and more, exploring pattern, texture, traditional and non-traditional materials, mixed medias and various techniques and approaches to mosaic making. 

Conceptually, we will explore the ephemeral nature of creative expression, non-attachment and mindfulness, through the creation of personal and group projects in and out of the studio.

One of the aims of this workshop is inspire, surprise and asset you in fining your own unique voice that is an amalgamation of your desires, inspirations and vision. Another aim of the workshop is to assist you in seeing your work in a larger context and how mosaic can intersect with conceptual art, social action and public engagement.

Workshop will include a presentation of experimental, urban, outsider and unusual mosaics around the world. We will talk about craftivism, graffiti, street art, land art and artists working in and around mosaic techniques and media in unique, surprising and inspiring ways.