Recent Projects for TMS

Gaudi- Inspired Lizard for client in Nola. More to come...

Wow.. Ok.. a frequent blogger I guess I am not. It's hard to keep up here, but I am going to make an attempt because there is so much great stuff happening all the time and I am missing out on the opportunity to share what is going on and give kudos to those who participated in projects with me.

I am in New Orleans now (October/ November), and will have a separate entry for all that is happening here shortly (new studio, great classes, huge community/ corporate team building project, giant lizard sculpture and more).

Intro to Smalti Student- New Orleans class. More to come...

One of 125 mosaic benches created during corporate team building event in conjunction with Crescent City Art Project in New Orleans. More to come...

I fell off on the updates a couple of months ago but wanted to do a few posts with pics about the summer projects we did in True Mosaics Studio before I left for New Orleans.

I am officially spending about a third of the year now in New Orleans, where I have a studio and home. I am equally excited about projects here as in Oakland and have lots of cool stuff coming down the pipe in both locations.

I return to the Bay Area in early December and will commence designs on the facade for the new Firehouse 18 in East Oakland, a project I was awarded through the Oakland Cultural Arts Department last summer. This project will include community involvement on the design level and will be an exciting one to work on I am sure.

I will be traveling to Ghana in January with a fellow mosaic artist and IMA student Erin Rogers to do some project development there as well as visit friends who have become family. In February I will be traveling to India with my dear friends and teachers, Isaiah and Julia Zagar. Rumor has it that Isaiah and I will be leading a mosaic workshop in Madras, but no deets on that yet. I am just happy to be going to India for the first time in my life and I have always wanted to go.

Both the above trips are short- two weeks each- and I will also have a pretty full teaching schedule this winter, which I am looking forward to.

Here is a rundown of classes I will be teaching at Institute of Mosaic Art this December/ January:

December 6-7 th and January 3-4
The old favorite: Mosaic 101- Intro to Ceramic Tile Mosaics
I have been teaching this class for 14 years and I love it.

December 13-14th
Architectural Applications for Mosaic- Floors and Walls
We talk about all kinds of permanent applications in this class. Lecture/ demo

December 20-21st
Glass Fusing Extravaganza!
This class is awesome. Come take it and make tons of fused glass stuff in one weekend.
(No experience necessary)

January 10 -11th
Business of Mosaics
Probably the last chance before next summer to take this one. Lots of helpful info about aligning your creative and business goals and making it work.

January 17-18th
Intro to Smalti
People love this class. I love this class. A great intro to an inspiring material.

So.. that's a brief overview.
Project visuals and descriptions to follow soon starting back in August 08.

One last thing..

YAY OBAMA!!!!!!!
